今天要將oracle goldengate 的extract 從classic to integrated mode.
真是簡單的任務阿~ 趕緊做完下班囉~
Classic to Integrated
在upgrade 之前我們看info upgrade一下,出現了上面這個錯誤,簡單來說就是需要recovery SCN 3777070365 追上SCN 3787881916。
後面的這個SCN 就是我們在register database時的scn(可以查DBA_capture) ,兩個重疊後我們轉換才不會有資料遺失。
裡面有如何轉換的步驟,排錯的方式就是將Extract 重新打開讓他跑一下,追上就好了,但! 如果這樣就好我還寫個屁?
研究一下這個recover SCN 到底是三小,為啥都不動? 原來這叫做recover checkpoint: The recovery checkpoint is the position when the oldest open transaction starts.
那看起來就是有open transaction 導致,查一下!
How-To Identify a transaction by XID which is provided in the SEND EXTRACT <NAME> SHOWTRANS (Doc ID 1504667.1)
Select * from v$transaction where xidusn=8 and XIDSLOT =11 and XIDSQN =186649;
然後可以v$transaction 的 ses_addr 串 v$session 的 saddr
也可以再去串v$session 的SQL_ADDRESS 與 v$sql 的SQL_ADDRESS
就這樣找到哪個transaction 卡在那邊囉~
How To Upgrade From Goldengate Classic Extract To Integrated Extract (Doc ID 1484313.1)
1.Check to see if upgrade possible
GGSCI> INFO <extract_name> UPGRADE
2.Upgrade may fail, in case of existing “open transactions “
GGSCI>stop extract <extract_name>
GGSCI>dblogin userid <ggadmin>,password <password>
3.Register the extract in the database if not done already
GGSCI>register extract <extract_name> database
GGSCI> info extract <Extract_name> upgrade
4.Upgrade integrated
GGSCI>alter extract <extract_name>,upgrade integrated tranlog
GGSCI>start extract <extract_name>